If a faggot pirate can do it, why not Floyd? Much of the contents of this site, plus never before seen material, hate mail and otherwise brilliant commentary will find itself within the contents of a nice hard cover book. Floyd will keep you fuckers updated with the progress.
Once again, Floyd extends an invitation to any and all of you fuckfaces to participate in this thing. Suggestions are fine, photos and artwork are better. One lucky fuckface out there will be chosen to write the Foreword. Read the site and write your worst. Send your submission to
floydslists@hotmail.com in any normal Windows text file or feel free to submit it here in the comments.
Floyd also cordially reminds you that your ass called and it wants your head back.
***Update, fuckers:
Floyd had no idea how much you all sucked until he suggested that you send your submissions for the book Foreword. Absolute tripe. Scott Duster has submitted the front-running entry and it seems doubtful that any of you assrammers will be able to do any better. Eat shit.
***Another update, douchebags:
Kudos to Scott Duster, Anne R. Key, Toxic Twat and Darth Clinton. All have submitted work that will go to print. Keep those cards and letters coming, fuckfaces.