Hate Mail Archives 2
Blogger is being a bitch. These listings will go where they belong another night.
* Canadians: Koooo-koo-koo-koo-koo-koo-kooo-kooo. Floyd has been watching his asshole brother spar with these people, and is convinced that Canadians have common sense. They seem to detest him as Floyd does. Perhaps Floyd will consider a bungalow in Quebec.
Toxic Twat: The disasterous vulva was recently wishing for a Golden Twat sticker to give to some of her more creative commentors. Your wish is Floyd's pleasure.
* The Golden Twat Award: Coveted. Floyd has 10 of them...
* Jack In The Box: The Ultimate Cheeseburger is quite possibly the most complete food on the planet. Floyd thinks they might put crack in this greasy motherfucker because he just can't seem to get enough of them.
39 Hate Mails:
I for one would LOVE to hear more about the detestable living conditions of the Chilean Fruit Bat. I was abused by Chilean Fruit Bats all throughout my adolescence, and I delight in hearing tales of their suffering.
Fuck those queer-ass bats.
Floyd...WTF, ? Near as I can tell I have nothing to block posting on my site. However, if in fact I do, then I will humbly accept the Watermelon Douche award.
Furthermore, thanks for the heads up to correct it. Of course, if it is working properly, then I happily say to you...Fuck You !
"Comments on this blog are restricted to team members."
Well, I humbly accept the Watermelon Douchebag award for Stupidity in Setting Up A Web site.
Thank you, thank you very much. I would like to thank all my team members that posting was limited to, but THERE AREN'T ANY. Fuck. Don't know how that got switched , but thanks for the heads up Floyd. For a fucking fuck, you're alright.
Don't spread that around. Next thing you know, people will start trying to borrow money...
I am honored by the tribute, Floyd. It warms the cockles of my heart. Incidentally, what the fuck ARE cockles?! Ah,never mind... I'm doing my best to kill them with beer and cholesterol anyway.
Bottoms up, cockles!!!
me likes
Wow, that's some picture.
Way to start my day. Some WIDE asshole gaping open.
What the FUCK!? =)
If you are referring to the Pat Robertson picture, wouldn't you consider a wide gaping asshole an apt description? If you are referring to Floyd, he already knows he's an asshole...
Thats just great, so now you're anti-mummy. You MUST get the mummy vote.
Isn't that the opening act for the artist formerly known as Prince?
Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome...Dessicated Twat!
i always seem to scroll to the asshole shot when a co-worker is around. Lol...
I've given up explaining it. Now I'm just takin' it.
ironic eh?
fuck yeah, Floyd!
Something tells Floyd that his site is probably not the most office-friendly...
Fuckin' A, Em!
It all depends on your office, doesn't it?
For instance, if you worked on editing profane-ridden pornography involving Paris HIlton and her little pet monkey, this would be considered somewhat tame, no?
EWWWWW..say it with me. EWWWW. she is so skanky--and not in a good way.
Paris Hilton - as smart as bait. Floyd isn't quite sure what her problem is, but he bets the scientific name is hard to pronounce.
Probably Floyd's!
Floyd laments that his asshole brother has about as much sense as a fly resting on a turd.
The twat in question was gathered from an unknowing donor from the vast collection of free internet porn.
Lovely bung hole. Yes, lovely.
AC mummification...now that's the way to go. Perhaps they should have had the Chilean Fruit Bats suck the blood out first. At least their living conditions would improve.
Move along, nothing to see here!
Generally speaking, I think of the Canadians as a bunch of spineless liberal pussies. So, hats off to the Canadians who are trying to finally fight the good fight. As a matter of fact, I shall drink more beer tonight in honor of their accomplishment.
It seemed appropriate to Floyd at the time...
Fish sauce. Interesting.
No shit:
Ingredients: anchovy fish extract, salt, sugar
and puree of baby. Delish.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Floyd cordially invites you to shampoo his scrotum.
or at least baby powder that shit up...
and the tattahs come back.
just couldnt resist eh?
The wife of a certain asshole brother absolutely cannot resist to open her yap. Lick ass.
I'm curious what steps I need to take to convert to Floydism. Is swearing and flashing my tits enough? Or do I need to sacrifice a small child as well?
Foul language and exposed gazongas are prerequisite. While small child sacrifice is an encouragement, it's not a requirement yet. But we're fighting the good fight!
Floyd thought he made his ambitions perfectly clear: spread throughout the world, leaving behind a trail of mayhem never before seen in history.
Ok, since none of these other jerkasses are gonna ask, why did ass-fucker Ben break Floyd's nose?
You really need to ask? Floyd pisses people off. Plus, Ben is latently homosexual and since Floyd wouldn't fuck him in the ass, he got pissed.
Correction: The media wasn't upset that Cheney didn't report it. He did, immediately, to a local newspaper WHERE THE EVENT HAPPENED. They were upset that he didn't report it to the press IN WASHINGTON immediately. They just expect all stories to go their way first.
And now people are saying that this is "evidence" that Cheney believes he is above the law.
Ummm.. is it a LAW that the Washington Press corp sits around on their ass and gets stories hand-delivered to them first?
Fuck you very much. Floyd knows where your Ernie situation is, but what about your Floyd situation, eh?
Sorry I missed posting this earlier. I somehow don't think Pat Robertson is that cleanly shaven. Or clean. hehehehehe
I, too, was curious about the Nosebreaker Ben. Thanks for clarifying that it was due to your rejecting him.
Hate mail from Ben:
How you can hate George Lucas and still own all of his DVDs, along with a life-size yoda doll and a picture of Carrie Fisher's head glued to my body. That's just creepy.
Oh, and P fucking S, I didn't break your nose, nancy boy. Oh wait, you listen to Avril Lavigne. Nancy Boi!
Simple, fuckface: the DVDs belong to Floyd's asshole brother. The Carrie Fisher/Ben picture is for target practice. The Yoda doll...well, that's for Floyd's personal pleasure and we'll leave it at that.
Floyd laments that Ben knows who Avril Lavigne is. Floyd does not, but it says something about Ben that he does...
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