Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sick Fucks

* Dr. Martin Haskell: Thank you, sick fuck, for pioneering partial-birth abortion. Thank you also for decribing the proceedure (shoving a pair of scissors into the skull of a baby, sucking it's brains out and collapsing it's skull) as though they were stereo instructions. Floyd wishes the worst case of herpes to fall upon your mother. It pales in comparison to what Satan will do to you, but it's something.

* James Kopp: Why sick fuck and not just asshole? This dumbfuck is a "pro-life" supporter. He is offended by the practice of abortion. How does he fight against this practice that he sees as murder? He kills a doctor. Killing because you are offended by murder is like fucking for virginity.

* Osama bin-Laden: Can you imagine what this sick fuck's parents must have done to him? Floyd bets that Daddy was intimate.

The Pope Family of Cincinnati, Ohio: Welcome to the Sick Fucks list. Johannas Pope died in August of 2003. She, being an idiot, was convinced that she would come back from the dead. Her caregiver and family, also being idiots, thought so too. So, they sat her dead body in an upstairs room and turned on the AC. She was found in front of a television, presumably to further her moronic tendencies in case she came back. The Pope family, knowing that Johannas was dead upstairs, continued to live in the house. The coroner said that the AC running nonstop allowed the body to slowly mummify. What in the bloody fuck?

* David Duke: There's a special place in hell for you, fucker. Floyd thinks it's something like where you have to be a personal servant for a black Jew who fucks your mother daily, but only when your daddy isn't sucking his cock.

* Every Last Motherfucker Credited With This Pile Of Filth: The only thing worse than watching this movie is an icepick to the scrotum. Just barely.

* The demented bitch at TSA that wanted to sniff Floyd's panties: Seriously! Floyd knows you bitches all want some, but PLEASE! Give a man his fucking dignity at the airport for Christ sake! You can suck Floyd's cock in private!

* Any asshole that emails chain letters: Seriously, do you think you're deeper because you send these messages you didn't write to other people who have (a) already seen it seventeen million times or (b) couldn't give a fuck what you think? For fuck sake! Just go and drive right off an embankment, because humanity has no more use for you.